- Publishing House News: August 2006
Our featured guest for April-August was Cheryl McGrath of Great Southland Ministries, Australia. Continue to read Cheryl's interview on our website, or ponder her excellent article on Understanding Communion previously on this blog.
For August-December 2006, we will be featuring Farrell Fisher of Macedonian Ministries, Inc., USA and India. Farrell currently has pressing family matters to attend to and our prayers are with him, but as a fervent preacher of the word internationally for fifty years, we are privileged that he has agreed to share his insight.
Our August-December winner for most inspiring contribution to our website is a writer, Hannah Hales from New Zealand. Hannah has a revealing testimony about life in a religious sect and the Holy Spirit's recovery process in her life.
newbornBooks™ still intends to provide an online store featuring inspirational photography, although opening has been delayed while we finalize details with our partner company.
We are pleased to announce that, as an associate ministry with our dear brothers and sisters of Great South Land Ministries Australia, we have committed to supporting our Spirit-filled affiliate missions around the world with all profits of our ministry above publishing and production costs. Two of these missions are featured on the newbornBooks Homepage
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